TANZANIA, one of the developing countries in the world, is faring well in terms of attracting investments from all corners of the world. Data from the Tanzania Investment Centre (TIC) shows foreign investments have been on upward trend, indicating that investors are satisfied with the investment environment.


On September 9, the AU was made a permanent member of the Group of 20 (G20). SA is an original member of the group, though its influence has not been effective in achieving the country’s and the continent’s objectives. Africa’s membership will enable SA to bundle its objectives with the rest of the continent. In this way, the urgency of African challenges will be appreciated and addressed.


As the African Growth and Opportunity Act (Agoa) comes up for potential renewal before its expiry in 2025, naamsa | The Automotive Business Council and the Automotive Industry Export Council (AIEC) have released a research report motivating for an extension to the trade preference programme.

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